We are from OPC LAN , Italian distributor of Novell, and we have next problem that nobody could have solved us, yet. FS machine: original INTEL 486, 33 MHz, 16MB RAM OS: NETWARE 3.11 Pserver: PSERVER.NLM v1.22 printer : AGFA-ILFORD, 4-color, 12MB RAM, 40 MB HD The printer works on fotocomposition principle and it is attached on FS machine. Trying to print file size of 20MB results terribly slow and decreases network performances on unacceptable level. It should work better with dedicated print server machine but customers don't accept it with ease because they say "Why, if we could do it with LAN MANAGER?!" Hope, there should be someone who could solve it? If you have any solution, let us know on Compuserve messages under the name OPCLAN. Thank you very much for your assistance. Best regards Melita Jeraj Technical Support